ALAW® Call Server (iPBX)
- Features in Brief
- Architecture
- In details
- Benefits of IP telephony
Benefits of IP Telephony
In Brief
The new IP Telephony paradigm results from the convergence of traditional Telecommunication with the computer and Internet worlds.
IP Telephony provides enhanced telephony PBX functionalities at costs far below traditional telephony PBX, and add on top of it features traditional telephony will never support, like Unified Messaging.
IP Telephony also provides new communication path and services, like Free Internet calls of high quality, encrypted communications, or worldwide accessibility as if you were at office
Facts about legacy telephony networks
Stable and mature
Telecom World
Really good for voice, poor for data (Modem 56Kbps asymmetric max)
- Many alternative providers Carrier Preselection - but still a closed world
Circuit oriented: physical on local loop and virtual (SVC) in Telco core
Telco hardware is manufacturer specific, proprietary
Telco's have their own rules, own protocols, own network. (Convergence is already running in Telco core network but remains almost opaque to normal end-user)
New functionalities (ex .comfort services) show up at slow pace, and takes time to spread
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Facts about POTS PBX
- Well known
- Robust
- Apparent simplicity
- Stability of PSTN
Many years of experience
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Facts about data network
Younger than Telco but stable and mature (Data network exists for more than 20 years now)
Explosive growth of data networks during late 90's, and especially internet services
Realization of the true potential of Internet, followed by a more mature but still sustained growth of services since then
Computers processing power keep increasing continuously, while their price keeps lowering.
Data network designed at their beginning to offer better bandwidth utilisation than voice network via packet switching
Data network first focused on
.data, i.e. non real-time best-effort behaviours but, increase in demand and in processing power lead to multiple Qos network capabilities, including real-time, delay, and jitter sensitive class of services.
Qos with its Diffserv model is only used in case of congestion.
Voice is a particular form of data, which is QoS sensitive and require near real-time, packet loss, delay and jitter controlled network.
Voice is a kind of data which can be compressed efficiently (codec)
Data network are driven by open and shared standards and protocols (RFP, IEEE, IETF, W3C,
Short time to market for new features
Wide variety of existing applications
Wide variety of programming interfaces
Wide developing workforce
OPEN SOURCE : non proprietary, wide community, free, follow standards
back to top Convergence
Data and voice convergence is an industry wide phenomenon. Ex : UMTS , Voice over ADSL, Voice over ATM
Idea beyond the convergence
Reduce costs by merging the two distinct network infrastructures in one multipurpose network
Lower cost of ownership (licences, devices, knowledge,
Lower cost of advanced functionalities, allow use of those in smaller entities
Open voice market to a wider range of manufacturer
Increase functionalities development and deployment provided by computer and telephony integration (CTI) : Increase efficiency with customer, offer new services
Integrate different way of communication inside a common framework : Unified messaging
Steps towards IP Telephony
carry voice from legacy PBX in parallel with high bandwidth data (VoADSL,...)
carry voice between legacy PBX via tunnels build on data network (VoIP, VoFR,
Add native VoIP support to legacy PBX
Add native ToIP support to legacy PBX
CTI, Unified messaging (IM, Voice2Email,
Facts about IP PBX
- Pro
- New services towards internal customers
- least cost follow-me
- multiplication of incoming channels on existing telecom circuits
- New services towards external customers
- Unified messaging
- Inherit of the strongnesses of computer based technologies
- Ubiquity
- Flexibility
- Open architecture (not always)
- Cost effective
- Layered architecture best of bread in each vendor independant
- Flexible
- Future proof
- standard industry components
- Mobility
- Unified Infrastructure
- Unified Messaging
- Multi-vendor Phones support
- Privacy (encryption of voice)
- Remote monitoring, maintenance
- Wide scaleable (Number of users, Number of sites, Number of features)
- Simple to connect
- Teleworking
- + ROI
- Contra
- Reorganisation inside telecom departments of customers
- New Learning curve
- Inherit of the weaknesses of computer based technologies (security, fiability) - requires special care in design and configuration
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Evolution of functionalities vs prices
- Advanced IPTEL on proprietary protocols
- Open IPTEL

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